

Heliski Aosta Valley

1,2,3,4 drops in a single day
Price is based on groups of 4 and the area you plan to ski. You can expect to cover 1,500m of vertical drop for a single flight to 5000m vertical drop for 4 flights.
From Euro 250 per drop per person.

Weekend / 2 days
2 days heliskiing. The choice of zones will be based on the best conditions and weather. Approx 7,000m vertical drop over the 2 days
Price is based on groups of 4.
From Euro 1,200 per person.

3 days (consecutive or non consecutive)
Choice of zones will be based on the best conditions and weather. Approx 10,000m of vertical drop over the 3 days.
Price is based on groups of 4.
From Euro 1,750 per person.

5 consecutive days
Choice of zones will be based on the best conditions and weather. It is possibly you will ski in Switzerland, France as well as Italy. Approx 15,000m of vertical drop over the 5 days.
Price is based on groups of 4.
Skiers need to be experts and physically fit.
From Euro 2,400 per person

Included: UIAGM Guide, helicopter, avalanche transceiver, harness, shovel and avalanche probe.
Not included: Personal equipment, transport, skipass (if necessary), accommodation,lunches, evening meals, expenses for the mountain guide.

If the helicopter can not fly the unskied vertical drop will be imbursed.
You will not be reimbursed if you are not physically fit enough to complete the vertical drop.

Located at 2050m the village of Cervinia offers some of the highest skiing in Europe. The village is situated at the foot of the Cervino better known as the mighty Matterhorn. Its summit of 4478m looks down on the surrounding mountains. Elegant but wild on all of its four faces. Off piste in this area offers something for everyone, from your first steps off piste to the free-ride expert. The enormous glacier offers some of the most spectacular and fascinating descents.

Chateau des dames
Height 3350 m
Vertical drop 130 m
A descent of medium difficulty in the Breuil Valley with impressive views of the Cervino’s southern face. A classic descent of 1300m with good snow quality due to the fact that the descent is northern facing. There are various possibilities for your descent, either the classic route or if snow conditions permit there are two steeper couloirs.

Height 3384 m
Vertical drop 1300 m
The helicopter lands close to the summit, with spectacular views of the Cervino and Mount Rosa. The descent starts with enjoyable slopes where there is often powder due to their location. We continue on through small valleys and a wood until we arrive at the magical village of Cheneil. Lost in time Cheneil has no cars or ski lifts and is the most amazing village. When snow conditions permit is is possible to continue the descent to the village of Maen (2000m of vertical drop from the drop off point).

Piccolo Tournalin
Height 3207 m
Vertical drop 1200 m
From the summit of the Piccolo Tournalin we ski down the north west side though small valleys until we arrive at the hidden village of Cheneil.

Height 3200 m
Vertical drop 1200 m
The helicopter landing is on the high part of the Cherillon Glacier at the base of the Grandes Murailles. The first part of the descent goes down the north face and then crosses over to the south where we come across lovely slopes and stunning views of the Montabel glacier sèracs. The descent finishes in the village of Cervinia.

Breuil Pass (Colle del Breuil)
Height 3281 m
Vertical drop 1300 m
The helicopter lands on a small hill located on the border of Switzerland, and the east face of the Matterhorn. Really great slope with medium steepness, good for all types of snow. We cross under the huge southern face of the Cervino and then head down glacier formed valleys until we reach the village of Cervinia.

Lys Pass (Colle del Lys)
Height 4250 m
Vertical drop 2300 m
The highest drop off point for heliski in the Aosta Valley is located in the heart of the Mount Rosa mountains below the highest refuge in Europe: The Margherita 4559m. The top part of the descent is surrounded by enormous glaciers with specatular ice walls and natural sculptures all formed through hundreds of years of the moving glacier. The descent takes us down the lengthy Grenz Glacier, more than 15km and then on through a canyon in the ice worn away by a summer waterfall. The descent finishes at Furi, Zermatt in Switzerland. In general this descent has good conditions in March and April.

The Ayas Valley runs parallel between the two valleys of Valtournenche and Gressoney. At the foot of Mount Rosa the possibilities for off piste are plentiful. Both heliski and off piste using the ski lifts are possible. The take off for the helicopter is at Bettaforca which is the same place used for heliski from Gressoney.


Verra Pass (Colle di Verra)
Height 3838 m
Vertical drop 2200 m
We land at the foot of two 400 0m summits, the Castore and the Polluce. From here we descend the Verra Glacier which offers various possibilities, either via Refuge Guide d’Ayas or the refuge Mezzalama. On the flats of the Verra Glacier it is easily possible that we will see Ibex and Marmots. The descent ends at the village of St. Jaques.

Quintino Sella Refuge
Height 3585 m
Vertical drop 1900 m.
The descent starts from close by the Quintino Sella Refuge and heads down Glacier formed valleys, arriving at Stafal a small village in the Gressoney Valley.

Bettolina Pass (Colle di Bettolina)
Height 3135 m
Vertical drop 1500 m
The descent is northern facing and hence there is a good possibility of finding powder. Outstanding views as we are right at the base of Mount Rosa’s immense glaciers. We cross the Verra flats and arrive at the village of St. Jacques.

An important ski area immersed in the magical ambience of the Walsers. The Walsers were the Alemans, a Germanic population who with the fall of the Roman Empire, began to move south through the valleys that now belong to Switzerland. There mark can be seen throughout the Gressoney valley. Gressoney offers an incredible amount of choice for skiers looking for exhilarating freeride. High quality skiing, lots of hidden descents amongst the glaciers, steep and narrow couloirs where sometimes it is necessary to use a rope. This place is not only perfect for skiers who are looking for intense emotions but also offers numerous descents for those starting out their off piste career. An good example of these is The Salza Valley.

Lys Pass (Colle del Lys) (reachable from Cervinia)
Height 4250 m
Vertical drop 2700 m
Descent on the Lys Glacier beneath some spectacular peaks of 4000 m such as the Lyskamm and the Corno Nero. We pass the Gnifetti and Mantova Refuges. From here we head down the beautiful Salza Valley until arrival at Staffal village.

This valley is closed in amongst some very high steep mountains that plummet to the foot of the valley. Steep couloirs and hidden treasures, that can be discovered if accompanied by someone who knows the area well. Here your itinerary will leave you feeling awe inspired.

Turlo Pass (Colle del Turlo)
Height 2738 m
Vertical drop 1500 m
We land at the Turlo pass in front of Mount Rosa’s South face. From here we have one of two choices. The first is a long descent towards Alagna and the second is to descend in the Val Quarazza which is located in the Macugnaga Valley. This valley is renowned for its powder! Great snow can be found here regularly throughout the season. Once at the bottom another flight and another descent is necessary for us to return.

Height 3400 m
Vertical drop 2200 m
The landing spot is below the Resegotti bivouac located right at the start of Signal Crest which is the crest which goes up to the Margherita, the highest refuge in europe. The descent heads down some wide slopes which generally have good snow and are accompanied with incredible scenery. This descent is spectacular and ends up bringing us to the village of Alagna.

Height 2800 m
Vertical drop 1600 m
The finest of descents with regular slopes and unique scenery. The final part of the descent is the same as the descent Cavallo.


Bocchetta del Fornale
Height 2531 m
Vertical drop 1200 m
A wild descent that goes through the Val Vogna. Facing north this descent offers a good chance of powder. We arrive in a small village with very few inhabitants but it does have a good restaurant. At the end of this descent there is an obligatory taxi ride to return to Alagna.

Locce Pass (Colle delle Locce)
Height 3334 m
Vertical drop 1300 m
The landing is near to the Punta Grober. The first part is very steep and a rope will probably be needed. Afterwards we descend amongst the seracs and to one side there is the incredible east face of Mount Rosa which goes down towards Macugnaga.

La Thuile
This ski area links Italy with France and is a place full of action due to the good snow. Great itineraries for heliski and also a good place to head when the weather does not permit heliski. La Thuile offers excellent off piste skiing due to the numerous wooded areas where there is good visibility, and great descents in the fresh snow.

Monte Miravidi
Height 3066 m
Vertical drop 1000 m
We land at the top of Mount Miravidi. From here we have two choices: the first heads down the south east side and offers easy slopes , the other is steeper and heads towards the north side. The snow here tends to remain powdery. There is a steep channel that requires a very good level of ski ability.
Picked up by the helicopter at the bottom for another flight.

Monte Ouille
Height 3100 m
Vertical drop 1100 m

A long descent that takes us down wide south facing slopes. Optimal after a good snow fall and during cold periods. This option is also spectacular in the spring when the snow is transformed if done at the right time of day.

Monte Freduaz
Height 3000 m
Vertical drop 1500 m
We land on the border of France and then head down wide slopes towards La Thuile. This north facing option offers a good possibility of finding fantastic snow. After the first slopes we head along the valley until we reach the ski lifts of La Thuile.

Testa del Ruitor
Height 3486 m
Vertical drop 1100 m towards Italy
Vertical drop 2200 m towards France

360° panorama at the landing area, here we take an incredible view of the Cervino, Mont Blanc, Grand Combin, Mount Rosa and Val D’Isere.
The first possibility is to descend towards La Thuile on an immense slope that heads through the centre of an easy Glacier and arrives at waterfall area. From here there is no way out unless the snow conditions are perfect so the helicopter collects us and takes us for another flight.
The second possibility is to ski towards France along a long valley with slopes of medium level steepness. The landscape is very natural as we are a long way from the ski lifts. We pass by mountain pastures and small villages until we arrive at the little village of Le Miroir. From here we take a taxi to the lifts in La Rosiere from where it is possible to return to Italy.

Valgrisenche is a little world of its own. All the valley is available for heliski and with its excellent snow record, powder is on the cards. Thanks to its location Valgrisenche is subject to weather fronts from the west which means mountains of fresh snow. On top of this there are many south facing slopes which are incredible to ski straight after the snowfall or in the spring and there are many north facing slopes which retain the powder for long periods.

Height 3210 m
Vertical drop 1500 m
A nice descent which is variable and offers wide open slopes of medium steepness. The descent is north facing so there is a good possibility of finding powder. In the lower section we ski into a wooded area which becomes thicker and thicker until we arrive at the Valgrisenche ski lifts.

Height 3215 m
Vertical drop 1500 m
A spectacular northern facing descent where powder is normally always present. Very wide slopes with good steepness. Even when there are numerous groups it is nearly always possible to find virgin snow due to the huge amount of space available. The classic route takes us to Uselliere where the helicopter comes to get us for a second flight or equally as good the route that takes us towards Le Chalet.

Height 3270 m
Vertical drop 1550 m
Optimal descent on spacious slopes that are steep and perfect for the good skier. Fantastic scenery and a good length descent.

Height2850 m
Vertical drop 1000 m
Medium level descent, a good place to head when snow conditions are not at their best. Spacious runs without being too steep. We go by Plontaz mountain pastures and head on down to the wall of the dam.

Height 3200 m
Vertical drop 1400 m
Exclusively for expert skiers due to the steepness of the the first part of the descent. The high part is not always skiable due to its steepness and the snow conditions need to be perfect to ensure the stability of the snow. It is therefore possible to land the helicopter at the base of the first slope. Northern facing this descent offers a good possibility of finding powder

Rabuigne pass (Colle di Rabuigne)
Height 3200 m
Vertical drop 1400 m
We set off by following a small valley encompassed in a gorge. Northern facing the snow is well maintained. We head down a spacious valley and then through a wood to arrive at a dam, the other choice is to head to the helicopter pick up point also used by Giasson.

Height 3200 m
Vertical drop 1100 m
This descent is shorter than the other but not less interesting. Very steep slopes so optimal for expert skiers. A very attractive option when snow conditions are good.

Chateau Blanc
Height 3400 m
Vertical drop 1900 m
The landing place is on a flat part of the Glacier, the view of the central Aosta valley is fabulous. From here there are two itineraries : the first ‘of the lakes’ goes towards the left following spacious slopes until arrival at some small lakes. The exit from here is by helicopter. The other option heads down the Chateau Blanc glacier and through a long valley where the options are numerous. We end up at Planaval, a small village located at 1550 m.

Height 3486 m
Vertical drop 1600 m

We depart a short distance below the summit of the Ruitor. Not a banal descent due to the steepness of the pistes in several places. This option is for expert skiers only. The descent finishes at Bonne which is also the departure point.

Invergnan Pass (Colle di Invergnan)
Height 3100 m
Vertical drop 1300 m
A medium level northern facing descent. This descent offers incredible alpine scenery.

Grande Traversière
Height 3500 m
Vertical drop 1200 m
Majestic scenery at the bottom of the Valgrisenche valley. Spacious steep slopes that will get your adrenaline pumping. Expert off piste skiers will be in their element. This descents position means you have a good possibility of finding powder.

Becca di Traversière
Height 3350 m
Vertical drop 1100 m
Wide open runs with gentle gradient on the Glacier. A unique descent.

Courmayeur is a historical location for alpine skiing and ski Touring. At the foot of Mont Blanc, people flock here to ski both on and off piste. Optimal descents for those looking for very steep couloirs. Heliski offers some interesting glacier descents which are located at the foot of the steep sides of Mont Blanc.

We also offer the possibility to Heliski in Switzerland around the areas of Verbier and Zermatt. Price upon request.

Heliski Aosta Valley
Contacts and informations
Heliski Aosta Valley
Phone: +39 3285483547 - +38 328 4643116